SE Valley Schools Dives into Online/Blended Instruction
Dr. Linda Hunecke, Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, at Southeast Valley Schools shares how AEA Learning Online's Blended/Flip courses have helped teachers get ahead of the curve when it comes to online/blended learning.
At SE Valley we had all our teachers take the Blending and Flipping course one and encouraged them to take the rest of the cohort during the summer of Covid, 2020. Our overall district position is that we are convinced that we are much further ahead than we would have been without the benefit of AEA Learning Online’s instructional designer's expertise and the instructional opportunities their team provided! It has certainly expanded our teachers' use of technology. We now have teachers who were previously reluctant to use technology beginning to use some new programs and tools! Our conversations on how to blend instruction are much richer and many are getting very creative as they find ways to make classroom/remote learning more engaging!